

简介 TonySexDiary
About My Show If you are reading this -then you are devoting some seconds on just me, which is actually super cool! :)) Missing you is my hobby, caring of you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life...( ) My Expertise Chemistry is you touching my mind and it setting my body on fire...I wanna be the reason you slightly tilt your phone away from others when you watch me...Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.. If youre interested in adult modelling or becoming and adult video performer, think it would be fun, and would like to make some money why not give us a try!
感情状态: 开放
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Lyon, France
性别: 男性
出身地: Italy
鸡巴尺寸: 7-9"
身高: 5' 8" (172cm)
体重: 112lbs. (51kg)
种族: White
发色: Black
包皮: Uncut
面部毛发: Yes
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
出生地: Roma
会勾起我性欲的是: Seduce my mind and you can have my body... It's hard to resist a bad boy who's a good man.. And I fall for your smile every damn single time.. It's not that I'm horny all the time ;)) It's just that you're always so fucking hot! :)))
视频播放量: 28,789,214
主页浏览量: 2,009,237
已看视频: 60

Per gli aspiranti attori

Per gli aspiranti attori.
In moltissimi questi ci hanno contattato per entrare a far parte della community come attori porno o presunti tali.
Partiamo precisando che la    PimpStudio  eu   NON è un sito di incontri, qui non troverete compagne/i con cui scopare pertanto se siete in cerca di questo state sbagliando sito.
 PimpStudio .eu    è una community dove diverse singole, coppie, singoli ci inviano i loro video o/e vengono a girare con noi o da noi. Questi video vengono poi pubblicati nei diversi network e si guadagna da questi video pubblicati. Quanto? Dipende dalle view.
Per la parte di attrici porno professioniste abbaimo un agenzia specifica che se ne occupa.
Pertanto specificato quanto sopra:
Se sei una singola   :
- Invia la tua candidatura in pvt comprensiva di nome, cognome, città, e sarai ricontattata dal nostro staf telefonicamente.
 Se siete una coppia:
- Contattateci in pvt, come per le singole allegate un numero di telefono nome e cognome di entrambi. Anche in questo caso sarete ricontattati.
- Potrete girare i filmati anche solo tra voi due, e se non avete l'attrezzatura adatta vi recate presso le nostre location e vi riprendiamo noi con la nostra atrezzatura, il tutto e completamente gratuito montaggio compreso.
 Se siete singoli
Abbiamo deciso come community di essere democrateci per voi il discorso e diverso.
- Realizzare un filmato dove vi presentate, spiegate chi siete, cosa voreste fare, la città di provenienza, la vostra età. Riprendendovi a figura intera viso completo [anche con la mascherina] .
- Vi mostrate nudi e non solo a livello ginecologico.
- Ci fornite i documenti necessari per caricare il filmato in questo sito ed altri dei nostri network.
- Inviate il filmato alla nostra community.
A questo punto, le molte ragazze che ci chiedono di entrare in questo mondo ma non hanno un compagno vi vedranno e se interessate.. Be lo saprete.
Il singolo più votato invece lavorerà con noi in modo permanente come il nostro Tony.
Pertanto mandate subito le vostre candidature se siete interessati, ma abbiate anche pazienza, siete in tanti ormai oltre 300 persone che fanno parte di questa meravigliosa community, e il tempo per rispondere a tutti e sempre poco.
- Candidature senza presentazione o non caricate direttamente nel nostro profilo NON saranno accetate.
- Candidature con immagini prettamente ginecologiche non saranno accetate.
- Filmati sprovvisti di documenti NON verranno presi in considerazione.
- Per le singole e le coppie verrete ricontattate solo tramite telefono questo per accertarsi che siate effetivamente una coppia o una singola e non i soliti furbetti.
- Se avete già un profilo qui come coppia o singola nessun problema potrete lavorare comunque anche con noi.
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 Hello guys,
Don't forget to watch my NEW VIDEO:
Like and comment! Your support is highly appreciated!
omment! Your support is highly appreciated!
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Happy New Year 2020

We would like to wish a happy new year to all of us who made the Pornhub happen in 2019 and we will surely do more in 2020 so that our community becomes more and more prosperous.
May 2020 be a year of great happiness for all the Pornhub user and Models
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A Ton of Followers Doesn't Equal Paying Supporters

I've watched so many producers and performers surprised that no one is buying any of their content despite having such a huge following. I want to put this out there: that followers do not equal paying customers. People follow because they see an image or a vid they like and just click follow as a "Thank you for this" gesture. They may  not ever return to your feed again. You must pay attention to who your active followers are; they are the ones who PM you or constantly retweet your work or even engage with you by giving you suggestions and feedback. They are the ones who are more than likely buying your content.
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McDonald's was originally owned by ....

McDonald's was originally owned by brothers Dick and Mac. Just think, you could be enjoying a Big Dick instead of a Big Mac. 😀
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Welcome to Big Dick's, can I take your order?Gimme a Reese's DickFlurry. And a 12 piece DickNuggets.Would you like DickTaters with that?No, thanks.What kind of sauce with the DickNuggets?Uh... You still got that spicy DongSauce from the Mulan promo?Sorry. We stopped serving that last week.Oh... Ok. Semen's fine, then.
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Can you imagine a mom to her "Okay who wants some Dick's for lunch?!"
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Dick's Burgers is a chain in Washington State...I'm pretty sure there's a requirement for everyone who eats there to make at least one joke about it in their life. Some common ones are:"Mmm I love putting Dick's in my mouth""Ohhh yeahh this Dick's so thick""I love sucking on Dick's"
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Just until you think about the Happy Meal...
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no biting on my mc nuggets
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How about a double big dick?
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how funny 🙂
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Big Dick with extra cheese please.
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Going to ....

Going to be making some videos today
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Some squirting through panties or leggings
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Help me To Help You 🙂

Ok so people on chaturbate wanted a cheap way for snap. So if you sign up to the parntership program using my referral code I'll give you 2 months free.
All you have to do is sign up upload 2 vids of anything you want but my cum tributes list are low just saying lol and once pornhub tells me I'll add you
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Donation for Christmas 2018

 PayPal Donation for Christmas 2018 any amount really help us !!! thanks you all xoxo
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Amazon Wishlist

Christmas is coming !!! you can surprise Jennyfer with this gift
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We need me a sugar daddy. Someone who’s going to spoil me while I suck his dick and shower him with attention and great sex all the time
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