Circumcise It!

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HottoWaifu - 202 个视频

描述: Videos where the guy clearly needs to get snipped, because he can't clean himself or his foreskin is just too long. I'm slowly convincing my husband to get his little cock clipped, because it will reduce his sensitivity and make him last longer. I'd take him to the urologist myself, so that I could make sure that it's a low and tight circumcision with the frenulum entirely removed to leave him with the least possible pleasure. I also want to make sure that the doctor is a female, because I think that it would be more humiliating for him to watch two women discussing how to circumcise him. I'd be sure to giggle a bit here and there and make jokes about it. I do like foreskins, but it just turns me on to have him sacrifice his for me. Then I'll dream of making him watch me suck a man with a large intact cock.

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所有评论 (4)

I've always been very submissive to my wife, so when she confessed how much sexier she thought cut cocks are, I gladly got circumcised for her. I hope you can get your husband cut too. I'm sure it will make you both very happy.
You should definitely have you husband circumcised. My wife had me get a high and tight circumcision after we were married and we both love the results. My glans are significantly less sensitive now, but I still have some of my frenulum intact. Rubbing my remaining frenulum can still make me cum as well as before my circumcision. Admittedly I didn't even know what a frenulum was until my wife and our female urologist were discussing how much they wanted to cut for my circumcision.
This is so hot! Your husband is lucky! would love to sacrifice my foreskin for a partner one day
Try to jerk him like its circumcised. With holding his foreskin retracted and tight. Then apply the lube on the head and let him cum so hard and intense. After some time he will probably like it so much that he will want to have his cock tightly circumcised, to enjoy it all the time.
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