If you would like to be added to friends, please ensure you have a video that can be used in future compilations. If you don't know of any, see suggestions below.
Video will not be accepted if:
- Low quality.
- Already used in one if the compilations.
- Contains unattractive, old or steroid women.
Videos needed for future compilations:
- "I'm just chokin' out this little bitch" OR Scissor Model's Six Knockouts [Reality Girls Scissors]
- "I Will Break Your Neck." [Reality Girls Scissors]
- "I'm Gonna Hurt Your Neck Really, Really Bad" [Reality Girls Scissors]
- "I'll Snap Your Neck." [Reality Girls Holds]
- Threats of [Reality Girls Holds]
- From Nyx with Love [MMA Domination]
- Nyx Loves Choking [MMA Domination]
- How to Snap Someone's Neck [Reality Girls Scissors]
- Relic Hunter [Season 1, Episode 22]
- Dollhouse [Season 2, Episode 12]
- Inhumans [Season 1, Episode 5]
- Jessica Jones [Season 2, Episode 1]
- Any other clips you have that fit the theme!