解锁了一个新成就:"9 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Senior"
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2 gajos! 2 guys

Hey everybody!
I just had one of the best experiences of my life and I just have to tell someone. Just had my first threesome with 2 guys! I know it isn't much but belive me being who I am and living where I live that ain't easy to pull! I'm so freaking happy, and I just want it to happen again, and with more guys if possible. To any straight girls out there, YOU GOTTA TRY IT, trust me! All the attention you get, everybody focused just on you, it's amazing!!! I’ve never been pleased like this before, I never came like I came this time, there are no cons to the experience, only pros. Does the guy cum and you didn’t? Just switch and let him regain his spunk while you do the other one. I’m sorry I’m on a ramble, I just so fucking excited!! 😀
Olá pessoal!
Acabei de ter uma das melhores experiencias da minha vida e tenho de desabafar com alguem. Acabei de ter a minha primeira menage com 2 gajos! Eu sei que não e nada de especial, mas acreditem que sendo quem sou e morando onde moro, não e fácil. Tou tão contente que nem sei que dizer para alguém de querer que aconteça denovo e com mais gajos se possível. Para qualquer rapariga hetero que leia isto, TU TENS DE TENTAR FAZER ISTO, acredita! A atencao toda que tu recebes, tdos focados em ti, e super excitante!!! Nunca saí tão satisfeita de um encontro, nunca me vim tanto nem com tanta intensidade como me vim desta vez. Não existem contras, so prós. O gajo vem se e tu não? E so trocar de gajo enquanto o outro recupera fôlego. Desculpem o ramble mas tou tão contente que nem vos digo! XD
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Why do guys in porn "always" finish wanking?? Isnt that stupid? I mean fine if you want to cum on our faces, tits, etc but why not let the girls do it? Always found it a bit weird
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That moment when guys look at my profile, see I'm Portuguese, and try to act smart by adding me with a message written in spanish....LOOL That's an insta "NO" right there
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Okay, this might sound weird/off topic on a site like this, but is there any true gamers on my friends list here?
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Yup have a ps3 ps4 wii wii u 3ds and a vita lol
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e entao, jogas o que? algum dos mainstreams suponho, LoL, csGo?
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i play a lot of pc games
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o que é para ti um "true gamer"?
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Yeah, started on the super nintendo, im taking a break from gaming though, waiting till BO III is dropping and i'll start again
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I am. Born and raised by games. :]
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Guys-Whats your favorite place to cum? Gals-Whats your favorite place to receive cum?
Gajos- Onde se preferem vir? Gajas- Onde preferem que se venham?
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Mamas e Boca 😀
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Pergunta rápida! Se tivessem oportunidade de por o pau em mim, mas so o podiam por num sitio, qual seria?
Quick question! If you had a chance to put your cock in me, but could ony put it in one place, where would it be?
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isso é uma pergunta muito difícil... tens tanto sitio bom para pôr o pau...
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Where ever you want ; P
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eu ocupo-te a boca Bia, assim ficas de boquinha cheia xD
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como tens uns lábios gostosos, eu metia pela boca para ficares tapadinha! =D
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Pito *,*
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Cute game!! *.*

Qualquer fa da Nintendo (ou jogos em geral) deve ver este "jogo". Muito fixe de se ver! 😀
Obrigado Ricas90 por partilhares esta joia comigo! 
Every Nintendo fan (or gaming fan in general) should defenetly check this little "game" out! So fun to watch!!
Thank you Ricas90 for sharing this gem with me!! ***
PS: Qual a vossa favorita? Which one is your favorite? ;D
  • 6
Pessoal tenho andado ausente pk tenho tido mt k fazer, entre os exames, familia, namorado e amigos, tenho tido pouco tempo para passar aqui. Mas a quem interessar, penso que agora vou ter mais um tempinho por isso, mandem msg!
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Yupiii xD Já tinhamos saudades tuas Bia 😜
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OLÁ!!! A quem tiver interesse de me adicionar, por favor digam algo mais nos vossos convites de amizade, que vos destaquem, falem um pouco de si, do que gostam, hobbies, etc. Nao e por mal mas é que se me ponho a adicionar TODA a gente que simplesmente me adiciona, vou ficar pilhada de gente com que nem vou falar. 
Obrigada e fico a espera!! 😀 😉 😀 😉 PS: Fotos no prefil nao sao "obrigatorias" mas sao logo um plus e meio caminho andado, quantas mais fots melhor.  ❤️
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Tive por aqui pelo site a ver fotos e pelos vistos uma coisa relativamente comum sao tributos. Por acaso algum de voces ja alguma vez fez algum comigo?
I was here on the site checking photos and noticed that there's this thing called "tribute" that appears to be quite common. So I was just wandering, have any of you ever done some with me?
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Alguem da minha zona que esteja disposto a foder me e a ser filmado? Paneleiro do meu ex traiu me com uma colega k tem no trabalho, ela tirou fotos e mandou mas. Preciso de alguem que queira fazer o mesmo e nao tenha vergonha de dar a cara!!!! Nao é so foda, quero k ele nos veja bem, por isso envergonhados ou pessoal k so ker foder, nao obrigado! O mais rapido possivel!!!
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Anda eu fodo-te toda
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Olá, eu alinho Bia 😉
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Friend's request

Friend Requests
For some of you, can you
stop with the friend requests with just stuff like "HMMMMM..." or
something alike. Like, can't you really come up with something smart or
interesting to say?? Or at least dont say anything.
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Love to watch porn. Videos or pics, pretty much about anything, expecially tributes!! Also looking to meet someone, either in person or just talk and chat over the internet. Living where I live it's not easy to get and do what I want without everybody knowing... so guess Im here to explore my fantasies on a more safe and private place. No, I wont upload a pic of my face, I cant risk anyone from my region to know I'm here.

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