On the fireball pmv... where can I find the vid from the clip at :29 when he say "fireball" the first time.
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Hi there, on your Pitbull Fireball PMV, who's the girl at 3:16 please?
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Your new PMV is probably the best video I've seen on PH - you mentioned somewhere you were keeping the clips you used to make it, do you have the links/names for them?
  • 14
Please publish the names of the girls used in this video! or the clips or anything! it is such a tease to see such beautiful women and not know who they are!
  • 3

Really bad news, stay tuned for updates in the next weeks.

I'm afraid the old video has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video. Needless to say, that's pretty much destroyed my motivation to finish the next video I planned (and am still working on). I am really sorry. I'll let you guys know on my wall when I upload videos somewhere else.
  • 9
Well, I don't know if this helps you somehow, but I would like to say that Bills was for sure the best PMV that I've already saw! Now i'm very happy that I have downloaded it haha 
  • 1
Schade. I loved your video. I therefore stay tuned. Good luck!
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I'm afraid it has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video.
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I fucking love you, i really hope the next video is cumming soon cuz i need it baaaad
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I'm afraid the old video has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video. Needless to say, that's pretty much destroyed my motivation to finish the next video I planned (and am still working on). I am really sorry. I'll let you guys know on my wall when I upload videos somewhere else.
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Who is this girl in 0:19
I love her ass
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Who is the girl twerking doggy style on 1:50 on the bills PMV
  • 5
great vid. keep it up
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For bills
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Does anyone know the name at 0:30
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There's been an awakening... Have you felt it?

Guys and gals, here's the news: Stay tuned for a new PMV!!! I can't promise as I am pretty busy right now, but it should be out by March this year 🙂
I started searching for sources shortly after Christmas and have gathered more than 250 clips by now. I will need a few more to be sure, but I'm confident I will make it on time 🙂 As last time with "Bills", I am doing my very best and hope to satisfy your expactations.
Good thing is, I have learned from the past. I am saving like about 90 percent of the sources this time, so with the next video, I'm sure I will be able to give you most of the names of the actresses that will appear there if you ask for one 🙂
Thank you all very much for watching 🙂
  • 16
I'm afraid the old video has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video. Needless to say, that's pretty much destroyed my motivation to finish the next video I planned (and am still working on). I am really sorry. I'll let you guys know on my wall when I upload videos somewhere else.
  • 0
You're the best. I hope see more of your videos.
  • 2
I'm afraid the old video has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video. Needless to say, that's pretty much destroyed my motivation to finish the next video I planned (and am still working on). I am really sorry. I'll let you guys know on my wall when I upload videos somewhere else.
  • 0
Thank you 🙂There will be a new one, stay tuned 🙂Feel free to read my newest update I posted on my stream.
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Are you ever going to make another PMV? Because damn, you've got talent.
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I'm afraid the old video has been rejected by Pornhub due to a Copyright claim 😥 I don't know if that was because of some of the footage or the song, but I won't be able to re-upload it here on Pornhub. I think I am neither allowed to post links here. But I know that some people took my video from here and re-uploaded it on other porn-sites some time ago. You should be able to find it relatively easy by searching for Bills Porn Music Video. Needless to say, that's pretty much destroyed my motivation to finish the next video I planned (and am still working on). I am really sorry. I'll let you guys know on my wall when I upload videos somewhere else.
  • 0
Thanks man!There will be a new one, stay tuned 🙂Feel free to read my newest update I posted on my stream.
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Please, I need the name of the girl at 2:03, a lot of people requested ir in the comments as wll. Thank you, awesome video
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Megan Rain
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German Translation

Guten Abend, ich frage mich, wenn Sie könnte möglicherweise geben Sie mir die Namen aller Schauspielerinnen, die Sie in Ihrem neuesten Video verwendet . Danke.   

English Translation: 

Good evening , I'm wondering if you could possibly give me the names of all the actresses that you used in your latest video . Thanks.

It says you're from Germany so i thought i should post it in your language.
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