People suck
To be perfectly honest here I really hate people. Porn is meant to be shared and free so what is with all these dumb fucks privatising their ? It’s not for the fact that others steal their content and upload it as theirs, it’s not even your fucking content to begin with. Secondly it’s not a way to protect you from dcma’s either others will snitch thinking they are doing a good deed, get rewarded kind of thing. How old are you this isn’t some pre/ grow the fuck up. Lastly those who add people and then boom un-friended within 24 hrs has to stop. Fuck your retarded rules like leaving comments. Most on here don’t want to fucking comment and you by them just makes you a person. This ends my rant for now.
Oh I forgot to mention those who get silly and report me or leave stupid comments you will be censored and block.