
What the...

Where the hell is all my content at!? Like I'm super pissed right now!
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Yea it really bullshit they took all my stuff
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They fucked us all up
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I have a prayer. xx

I need me a badass, don't give a fuck, Tom Hardy, type a mfer.
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Quarantine was a joke..... Where everyone at?

While everyone was in "quarantine"... My ass was working.., now I have some down time.... Nobody is around... How lame is this?
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I'm still here honee
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Im here!
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Pornhub you need to do better....

Anyone else having a major issue with every message being sent gets cut off?! Like c'mon man.... What's a girl to do when she trying to flirt but it gets cut off!?
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try it out on me 😉
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Glad I'm not the only one experiencing those issues lol
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Me and u get along prefect
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It's Saturday!!!!

High and doing laundry.. Haha I needed a lounge day after the holidays. Wish I had someone to play with tho.. Make it not so boring. I guess I'm left here to play with myself! xx haha What's everyone else doing today?!
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Y'all I'm off of work for a whole week!! I don't have a whole lot planned for the week. Which means more time on PH!! My question to y'all is, what would you like to see from me?! I don't normally ask this, but I am a bit curious to know what turns y'all on about me? Perhaps I can upload something special for y'all! I'd love to show out and intrigue a few. xx
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Do you have any dildos to play with? A cucumber would be sexy too...
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I luv to see your hot and sexy body being pleasured
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I'd love to see you dirty talk and get a creampie
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Ok y'all so "Mike"... The guy from work if he's always asking me "what are you and your boyfriend doing?" out of the blue... About every time y'all speak... That's a pretty clear sign right? That he's interested... I mean he spoke his mind today that he was a "grown ass man". Lol Should I say something sexual to him?!
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Tell him what you think he wants to hear
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Follow up Question from last story...

Ok so the cuter BUT younger guy I work with, we are still getting along pretty well, laughing joking flirting., but I did notice something that is off putting and it made me realize and SEE (I was a bit blinded by looks, but he's so boyishly cute with his dimple smile - anyways!) For example the moment he saw me at work Wednesday he yelled for me and said he had to tell me something... I thought maybe to tell me he got his new tires for his truck and the rims he saw. (Ok so yea I was acting like I cared about him getting new tires for his truck, duh I'm a girl I only care about cute guys!!! - anyways!) No he called me over to tell me about this cat and mouse game he played with this girl and ended up getting her number...... Like really.... Why would he tell me that? Are we in ? Is this his way of making me jealous because all it did was annoy me. I guess I'm just not young enough to play the games nor do I care. I'm confident enough in myself to not care. So I kinda dipped out of work early yesterday to avoid him. Like I said, it was off putting and . Maybe that's what I needed. A reality check because life really isn't like the movies. Who am I kidding. Lol
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Advice or Thoughts!? Or maybe just horny wishful thinking..!

Soooo... I've been recently attracted to this new guy at work. At first I tried keeping my distance because for one it's at work and I don't give people a reason to gossip and second he's much younger so I am a bit embarrassed that I'm even attracted to him. (It's very rare that I find a person of interest where I live or I'm just that damn picky and when I do he's younger....my luck.) Anyways the first week I'd always catch him staring at me and I'd just smile politely and keep it going, holding back the fire burning in my crotch. Lol So by the second week he broke the silence. We'd joke a lot. Work play really. He even joked about my age in cute ways though nothing offensive. Infact the last day I worked with him I had him trying to guess my age. He couldn't of course, and I dare not tell him!! Haha I like how he sees me now without the number being presently known!! Lol I had even found a reason to work by him so we could joke together and laugh. I just feel this weird connection between us even some sexual tension. I'm not sure if I'm reading the signs right. When his arm touches mine it's not like a graze. He doesn't move unless I move mine first.. Like he presses his arm and the side of his body against mine.. I suck at reading guys. I don't know the signs! Maybe I'm just reading to far into it. Wishful thinking that he could be attracted to me with me being older.... I'm definitely not making any first moves lol I wouldnt even know the first thing to say to find out. Y'all it's been too long since I've been in a situation! Haha Any good advice?! Women and Men - Old or Young!!! Thoughts please! I can't get him off of my mind y'all! It's like he turned me into a teen-age giggling blushing girl when I'm around him... What to do!!?
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Just take life by the horns. In this case just grab his dick
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Summer Nights....

What kind of mischief can I get into on ph tonight?... So very bored.... And nothing good comes from being bored!! Haha
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me to love to talk to you beautiful
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What do y'all like to do when there's NOTHING to do?! Haha

Nothing to do on a Sunday but get high, eat, and watch movies.... What's everyone else doing on this Sunday night?!
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Smoke n stroke 😘😘
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You win some, you lose some... Alright I'll be the first to admit. I'm a poor loser. I don't lose dammit!!!
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U cant always win... im just trying to win u as a freind rifht now
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Fuck outta here with that dumb . xx

Don't send a request and when I add ya, you gonna go ahead and block me. Get over yourself if I don't reply back right away.
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Chilling on a Wednesday night, long day at work... I should be planning for my birthday tomorrow..., but nope. Work until the weekend!
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I’d love to help you with a pornhub birthday wish!
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Unfortunately I have to depart... I am needed across town. So I will drive across town and be home quite late....! For those I just met tonight. Plz don't block me. We only just began! Plus because I said Please! Much love.
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Have a safe trip and look forward to learning more. No blocking here.
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I would like to say I'm only human. I may not get on here all the time because my personal life might be hectic at times, so if you're gonna add me and we talk... (Obviously I am interested and I do like you.) It kinda sucks when I get back on and ppl who I really enjoyed talking too and their pics/vids, literally blocks me. If that's the characteristics you have. You're a shitty person and don't talk to me. I'd rather they not get their rocks off on my pics and vids. Maybe some of these dudes need to take some better intuitive when it comes to dealing with us women on here. Just because we get horny and are open about it doesn't make us any less. No wonder why these women on here are charging y'all.. Lol You wanna treat it like a job, then pay me mfer.
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Was not going to mention it but some women have horrendous taste in men. Lol
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They only prove how stupid they are. Your better off without them
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There are a lot of arseholes around, Honee.  Don't let them get you down 🙂 *kisses*
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Stop asking me if I have snapchat or .

Last time I looked, I was on pornhub.
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More jerks on here than I can handle.... Whatever dude.
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message me and after one round youll never worry about them again.... 😉
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What's wrong sweetie
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Elastic Heart

And another one bites the dust. Oh why can I not conquer love? And I might have thought that we were one. Wanted to fight this war without weapons. And I wanted it, I want it bad...
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Bonnie's looking for Clyde.

Where's my cool, calm, collective; Billy badass at? My James Dean/Tom Hardy charismatic, sex appeal types....?
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Can we talk? 
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The best way to describe me is that I'm a 100% Aries. If you can love us and tolerate us then we will be rewarding! As it is known Aries are very sexual beings!! I'm adventurous because I get bored easily. I have a wild curiosity and I'm rebellious by nature.

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