
2nd thought/regrets

Been in a relationship, her personality is good and it has been the strong point between our relationship. Now, I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts and regrets, for the last , our relationship has been costing more and more money. I've put a pause on my college degree now, and my debt has been the same since a year ago. I've put all her needs and wants before me. I don't game as much anymore, rarely see my best friends, hardly see my family, and I always helped her pay for stiff. Now to support us, I work every night, my last days off were back in Mid-Nov 17. I found out my Tax returns went south, I now owe the government, my girlfriend who wants me to wear body armor at work nowadays, says, "I don't know about paying for it." But you're getting 6k in tax returns and I ask for that? I'm stressing here because of all of mine debt, she complained about giving a stress blowjob that was only 5 seconds. Now, I'm considering of ending it all, I've been losing more money as it continues. I used up all my CD accounts and my savings(Money to buy a house in the future) that I'd built up over the last several years. I'm clinging onto my last CD account that barely has $500 in it
Any opinions, suggests please?
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I think there's no more love in that relationship, you should look for someone who makes you happy
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