Nomad (indefinitely), self-proclaimed analytical neuroscientist, medic (specializing in neuro, psycho, and sexo), writer, stock photographer, and sensualistic pornographer (sex-worker).
I'm Cam. I live with Major Depression, Somatic Symptom Disorder, Somatoform Dissociation, Internalized Aggression, Social Paranoia, Mixed Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Imposter Syndrome, and Sugar Addiction. For a time I was experiencing a morality crisis and an existential crisis too, all throughout the years of my teenhood (both thankfully having passed). Now I'm traveling the world to observe humanity and see the collective prosperity that still remains in it (however much). Content here relates to psychology, philosophy, sociology, neurology, sexology, geography, entertainment etc. I invite you to come along and do the same. Please criticize and share opinions on this channel as you feel necessary (I encourage it). And please go watch my Scientific Proposal videos when you can.
Same name on YouTube/Quora
Empathic social expressions, compassionate emotional attempts, sympathetic understanding/remorse, cognitive inducement of analytic/critical thought, embracement of *non-problematic* sexual attraction and desires, self-reflection and admitting when you're wrong if you've been proven to be, human sexual connectivity/self-sexual connectivity, sensuality, freedom.
Current Sexual Identity/Romantic Type:
Current Relationship Status:
Polyamorous (Single)/Platonically Intimate
Sociopathic lack of compassion, dismissal of others well being/concerns, lack of self-awareness, conformity without critical thought behind it, not trying to better yourself if you know there's something wrong with how you behave (especially in the presence of morality disrupting psychological disorders), commodification of sex (or anything) for mass commercialization/profiteering, rightist ideologies, disregard of problematic sociological factors, over-sexualization/over-fetishization, A-play (rhymes with Page play), rhymes with Chase play), the opposite of consensual domination/submission, hedonism.