Fucking Horny Bitch....
A Whore in The House....
A Strong Straight Up Honest Woman Outside..
A Woman with an Intelligent mind and strong character.
Just an old hippie stand up for your beliefs Gal... ;D
***Demonstrate Real Appreciation
CASHAPP ME at $Bettydog2
Photography,Gardening, Learning Home Improvements skills...
Free Thinkers ....not apart of the New World Disorder Herd ..
Honesty,Respect,and an Awareness of Self. One who is cognizant and strives to be a positive force in interactions with others and our Planet. .
Men who can think outside of the their Cock
Pushy Macho Demanding Insecure Guys.. The men who have female
fear/hate/jealousy issues. aka Oversize ...
I Don't Cater to B.S. Drama... I Don't Need to be Your Doormat...
I've Paid the Cost to be my Own Bo$$..Respect That! Thank You...