Who out there can’t get enough of pleasure?!!??!?!
I’m interested to know who exists that feels like me...., I personally am a 30 yr old man with my first who 8 months old little angel!!!! Who if ever fucked with... mainly when someone has cause it, that person better stay 360 aware... 24/7!, . I broke it off with my ex a week before we found out at/from doctors that after , 4 miscarriages, and a whole lot of street struggle. She’s apparently pregnant! Well I looked at the mother (ex) and seen it in her eyes that she was Definitely having my baby! Which I’d NEVER Regret how my life got me here. But bottom line she’s made it super hard for me b fully involved with the only person (other then my mother) who I’d die to know my daughter will have more days to b happy beautiful baby, cause I DEFINITELY Make gorgeous babies. Anyways SRY about that 420 where I am lol... now I have been fucking all these ladies half the time being the one not cumming b4 k.oing for night but with me if u with me naked u r most definitely about to b pleasured multiple times!!!! FACT! Always b4 I even consider myself’s desires. FACT! But friend up, message me, say hi. I love meeting new people my tag names 30JackInABox69 tell me what y’all think. If u looking for something I am which u like.