Your favorite Goddess - Kallie - love FINDOM
I have been a webcam model for about and I love it!
Don't forget to check out my personal webpage for more private details about me, read my blog, check out my photos & make sure you subscribe to my monthly newsletter!!
I love to dance (xxx style) & I enjoy drawing when I have free time (not too often) I love to please my man .. Or my woman. I'm a giver but I'm sometimes considered to be a pillow princess
Guys who love boosting my confidence, make me feel sexy, shower me with lots of $$ & gifts, sugar daddies, jacked up chevys, subwoofers & bass, trendiness, country boys, girls who look like fitness models, brunettes, girls with long ass hair & long legs, diamonds & lingerie.. Guys who watch porn with me & who let me fuck other girls without calling me a cheater. A guy who is tall as hell, rough & ready (a guy who will beat someones ass if they fuck with me)
Guys who are way too cocky .. Guys who worry about losing their pocket change in the washer and dryer. Over controlling ones (NO!!)