PC Naughty Boy
PC Naughty Boy

PC Naughty Boy

简介 PC Naughty Boy
INTO NSFW GAMES?? Follow MY OTHER Pornhub page DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO NSFW games @ https://av-tube.cc/model/pc-naughty-gamer SEE YOU THERE :) ** NO PLAYLISTS & NO VIDEO(S) = NO ADDING TO FRIENDS OR SUBSCRIBED LIST !! ** DISCLOSURE - FRIENDSHIP WITH ME OR THE POSTING OF JERK OFF VIDEOS ** DOES NOT ** CONSTITUTE OR IMPLY SEXUAL INTEREST IN MEN !!! I am a 51 year old 100% STRAIGHT male (That means I only fuck FEMALE bitches) with A LOT of challenges. Yet, like everyone else, I have the need to "Do The Deed" as it were :)Most of the videos will be of me jacking off while watching STRAIGHT porn videos HOWEVER I'll also upload some of my favorite porn videos which have gotten me off on NUMEROUS occasions over the years as well
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 女性
城市和国家: Englewood, CO, United States
性别: 男性
兴趣爱好: Ham Radio (Callsign KB0OXD), Gaming (Sports & MMORPG via console & PC. PSN Name - BachPatuPS | Xbox Network Gamertag - BachPatuXBL), Old Time Radio & Classic TV show collector Also A HARDCORE TREKKIE (Admiral & Commander of Gamma Fleet - Deep Space 51 (Telaxia Station)
会勾起我性欲的是: REAL Homemade porn videos (HUGE turn on), sex tapes/videos (Another HUGE turn on) dirty talk during sex (Yet another HUGE turn on), creampies (Anal & Vaginal), Interracial (Every way imaginable EXCEPT gay), orgies, gangbangs, mild rough sex (Including MOCK ), watching other STRAIGHT guys like myself masturbate (ESPECIALLY when watching STRAIGHT porn videos & STRAIGHT guys who talk dirty while masturbating) & fucking their sex toys while treating/talking to them as if they were women (Among other things too numerous to mention)_
会浇灭我性欲的是: Gays & other biologically male LGBT members coming on to me & making sexually-oriented comments on my videos (AKA stuff like "You can fuck me if you suck my dick" & other comments like that), other STUPID people who make comments like the above WITHOUT bothering to read my profile (Some morons think that because I post in SOLO MALE that i am somehow "Gay" DESPITE my indication above that I AM NOT) Some of my other non-sexual turn offs are smokers who smoke around me & E-Cigarettes AS A WHOLE (Both HUGE turnoffs),idiotic drivers, bad Ham Radio etiquette, bad gaming etiquette, Old Time Radio & Classic TV shows with poor audio and/or video quality (Though admittedly there's not much that can be done about this), SWATTING (A VERY UNDESIRABLE gaming thing that's another HUGE turn off) & other stuff too numerous to mention
视频播放量: 402,462
主页浏览量: 66,225
已看视频: 1,082
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