

简介 SubmissiveAspirant
I'm 19 and pretty shy and therefore don't get to meet up with other people regularly. Usually I'm weird and submissive around them whenever I get the chance. Making other people happy is my passion. I'm merely at the beginning of my journey so if you want to be part of it be sure to stick around. :) If you ever need a healslut, just want to have some fun or feel lonely. Discord => Demian#9009 || League of Legends => Hots Pro#yeeee || Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch => demian#2417
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Ulm, Germany
性别: 男性
兴趣爱好: Gaming(Overwatch, Celeste, Lol etc.), Biology, (trying to) dress up cute, helping and making people happy wherever I can
会勾起我性欲的是: Dominance, trust, serving, bondage, lightheartedness, passion, kindness, controlled pain, wholesomeness, denial, edging
会浇灭我性欲的是: rudeness, greed, lying,
视频播放量: 64,937
主页浏览量: 32,937
已看视频: 2,222
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