TS Dimes
TS Dimes

TS Dimes

简介 TS Dimes
We are on temporary hiatus. We will revamp the content to offer something new by September. In the meantime, please subscribe to OF for a free one on one session where you can ask questions about how to hook up with trans women. We also share exclusive content, offer free dropbox links/ mass downloads of big booty trans vids, and discuss the best of the culture. Again, we will be back in September. Thank you for being a fan :)
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
性别: 男性
出身地: United States of America
主页浏览量: 128,448
已看视频: 202

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Be Back Soon....

We are on temporary hiatus. We will revamp the content to offer something new by September. In the meantime, please subscribe to OF for a free one on one session where you can ask questions about how to hook up with trans women. We also share exclusive content, offer free dropbox links/ mass downloads of  big booty trans vids, and discuss the best of the culture. Again, we will be back in September. Thank you for being a fan  🙂
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My bad bro I deleted your request by accident.
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Tips for Dating Trans Girls

You don’t really need to try anything out of the ordinary when talking to a trans girl. You just need to be the same person you are when talking to anyone else you have an interest in. Like, when you turn up the charm when trying to talk to a chick you met at the bar or at work. Many guys feel they have to come off a certain way to a trans girl and they don’t. It may be because this uncharted territory for the average Joe. Before you try to pick up a trans girl allow me to share some information and run through some scenarios that may save you both embarrassment, wasted time, or both.  
However, before we get into the specifics I’m going to explain my background with trans women. I’ve been dating tgirls for over . Holy , now that I think back on it, that’s a pretty long time. I began watching straight porn on VHS and would always fast forward through the ads with the “trannies”. As time went on I began to grow bored with straight porn, the internet evolved to a pornography super machine, and quickly converted to internet porn as soon as soon as I got my first AOL trial disc. I would browse through pages of ebony porn and would sometimes see thumbnails of black trans girls. I would always avoid those galleries but whether I wanted to see them or not, they were always in my peripheral vision. As time went on I became curious and started clicking on the thumbs with the curvy “chicks with dicks”. I would visit these galleries more and more until eventually I was searching terms like “ebony tranny” right out the gate. Before I knew it, I was hooked. That same fascination kept growing until I found the erotic encounters section of craigslist. When I found out that you could buy sex online instead of looking for it in the streets I was immediately intrigued. Naturally, I found the t4m section and shortly after ended up hooking up[for free] with my first trans girl [I actually found her again after and shot the first video posted on this page] . Since then, I’ve been hunting “the girls” [as Yuna calls them] .  Along my many encounters I’ve picked up a few helpful bits of information. If you’re trying to get yourself a nice lil trans thang read the list below: 
First and foremost, trans women are people too. They are not just sex toys. Read that a few times over. If you’re really trying to date trans women then you have to see them as people first and actually get to know at least a little about them before you try to fuck. I’ve made that mistake more times times than I can count. I would meet trans girl X from CL and immediately assume we were going to have sex because of the circumstances we met under. The truth is, I would have smashed so many more trans girls if I didn’t lead with “I can only talk between Xpm and Xam. When can you meet?” Most of the baddest girls would either ghost me or cuss me out. That was because I didn’t consider them and automatically made it all about meeting my needs. Many of the girls I’ve been with are incredibly submissive but I couldn’t have gotten to that point unless I talked to them like they were actual people first. Second, get out of you’re head bro. I know sometimes when you actually meet a trans girl you shake in your fucking boots and tremble with nervousness. This may due to you being unfamiliar with this type of situation or you’re afraid other people know and are looking at/for you. The solution to this problem comes in two parts. The first part, simply revert back to rule one. Remember? Actual human being? Same approach as girls? You’re gettin it. 
Second part to this solution is almost as simple as the first. Relax bro, nobody gives a fuck what you do outside of people that actually know you. If you’re chasing tranny tail in another state or the next town over, bear in mind that nobody knows you or even gives a fuck about you or the things you do. Chances are if someone is staring at you when you approach a trans girl it’s because you look like a shaky fucking scumbag that doesn’t have the gull to stick his chest out and speak the fuck up or it’s because they wish they had the balls to do what you’re doing. Just play the part of “guy talking to trans girl at the bar/ in public” and get on with it. We are almost in the year 2020; being gay, bi, trans, demi, pan, etc. is accepted. When I’m out with my trans friends I just accept the fact that people are going to judge me no matter what I do. If they think I’m a certain way then oh well.  
Third, but not final tip is to have something to bring to the table. SOMETHING!!! Whether it be your own place to host, a car to fuck in, new clothes, lingerie, or even money. Many of the trans girls I wound up fucking for free I paid in the beginning. Over time I kept coming back, we talked, and eventually developed a relationship. Even then, I still had to bring something to the table. Watching trans videos puts us in the mind that it’s all a take take situation when it comes to this lifestyle. We, the guys, seek out trans girl, have her cater to our every sexual trans fantasy, and have a trans girl on standby for when you want her again. Unfortunately, that’s not how this goes. A straight/trans relationship is still very similar to a male/female relationship in that you have to give SOMETHING [operative word here] to get summn. The term quid pro quo ring a bell? Don’t worry my friend, you will get all the ball slappin, dick suckin, raw fuckin you want. However, it's not going to be free or effortless.  
I’ll close with this: you can date trannies too. You just have to commit to stepping your game up. Take the seriously and get you a few of these baddies running around here. Trust me, it’s worth it.  
I offer pro tips to make this mission much easier. Including but not limited to:  The websites where all the trans girls are [social, dating, and message boards] Top things trans girls are looking for and interested in  Tips to increase your success with fucking a hot trans girl List of warning signs when dealing with certain trans girls Ways to keep your lil secrets from getting out And waaaaayyy more If you’re interested in the pro stuff drop something in the tip jar and I’ll be happy to get you closer to your goal or DM me to schedule a one on one 15 minute session for $15. Happy hunting guys.                             
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Thick TS chicks are my weakness. Bored as hell with regular chicks, TS chicks starting to take over
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Amazing advice I may have to get with you cause I want start talking to some really beautiful ts women
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Can i schedule a 1 on 1 with you
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I’m happy to help @Unknown lmk if you’d like to schedule a 1:1 session and I’ll teach you more about the game. Happy hunting
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This is real!!!!
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Hey you’re a god send. I’ll look back on these tips and might schedule a session for some goals. In the mean time I’m gonna set my foot in the ground and put myself out there thanks man.
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Thanks Rasta! I’m trying to get my ppl into the game. It’s a confusing process but doable by any and all. I too fuck with girls and straight porn but there’s something about trans women I’ll always have a thing for. Especially since they look WAY better now then when I first started watching.
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All Our Vids 75% Off For The Next 5 Days

Black Friday sale. TS Dimes vids on sale for next 5 days.
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I’ll be in Atlanta 12/20-12/22

HMU if you’re trying to film. Must be recently tested. I have my papers on deck if you want to see.
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imma ts lover as well can hang bro im trying to get like u.
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