A long time ago, two extremely sexy individuals crossed paths in the middle of the desert. It was love at first glance. Though outside forces conspired to tear them apart, their love and desire to fuck one another was too strong to keep them apart. Their passion for one another was so intense that they both traveled great distances to reconnect on a far beach at the edge of a great forest. Together, with his God-like cock, and her pussy of Heavenly standards; they fucked so sweet, so passionately, and sometimes so hard and naughty that order was restored in this chaotic universe. Now these two beings of pure sexual energy have decided to release their hedonistic on this humble site for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy. You're new favorite is also accepting offers for private custom videos; inbox for details.. Tips are greatly appreciated, you can always tip us for our "hard" work on PayPal @ [email protected], Our Amazon wishlist is https://amzn.com/w/366KS7CRR5DZL