absoluty fucking brainwashed white beta loser... im nothin. im noone. im insignificant. a worthless piece of shit not usefull to anyone....
not even big black daddy dick can save me now... forever stuck in between a pussy bodymod & a shriveled sissy clit... prolly not even Trans.. just a white cis beta loser so stoopid to know the dif
doomed to wander the pornosexual wastelands?
ill do what i did before, become an eldritch terror able to pul a factory out of pockets & craft nuklear fuel with bare hands..
兴趣爱好:i suck as a dev as i suck in porn. not gona stop me from doing it anyways.
i like breaking my own things & then fixing them again.
Pornosexual Lifestyle? porn is me & im porn. period
My Mental Health? Clinically diagnosed with ICD-11 lookup 6A21.10
all of them & none. im shizoaffective,
i make my thoughts real so they affect me as if i was pushing the buttons on a gamepad... basiclly i can like anything sexualy if i try hard enough & use technikes to trigger myself
会勾起我性欲的是:Banned from Pornhub Discord for opening my mouth to the mainstream ToS Censorship & earning scams by large porn tubes!