Writing, fandom, video games, art, roleplaying (tabletop and text)
Gotham, Sherlock, Once Upon A Time, The Good Place, The Punisher, Crimson Peak, The Boys In The Trees, Ravenous, Wonder Woman, In The Flesh, Voltron, Fargo
Ghost, Jack Off Jill, Hanson, Gorillaz, Night Club, Behemoth, Alice Cooper, Janelle Monae, Jidenna, NMEK, Type O Negative, Emilie Autumn, Reba McEntire, Harley Poe, Keaton Henson, Hozier
The Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance, Peter Darling, The FNAF books, Dexter, The first three Song of Ice and Fire books, Harry Potter, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Collection