I would love to talk dirty filthy nasty and never knew until a few years ago just how much i love licking a woman's asshole. I moan now. When eating pissy, its a very small area that nweds circular attention and a little Pez Dispenser action..tee hee.. The sexiest thing I think I ever saw was when after I had been down on
my girl i looked like a fucking glazed dougjnut. At first you went to wipe my face, but then hesitating I knew she was thinking we both went through a lot of effort to get this how it is. She's in licked her come off of my face. Once I realized fully what she had done, I pushed her down and kind of shook my head likokay that's it!; She smiled with spontaneity and accomplishment. Then I fucked her like there was no tomorrow and who gives a if there isn't?!
To the female cow members of the site, I plead for mercy and compassion.. please a little sympathy pussy. I would be ever so deeply indebted as a token of my extreme. If you'd be so kind to show a little mercy, I won't show you any! Austin,Texas baby.