I love watching porn, smoking weed, cooking, building and prgramming computers, gaming and BDSM
Brainscan, Deadpool, Return of the living dead series, 70's-80's vintage horror movies, fire in the sky, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, X-Files, Killer clowns from outer space, Ghoulies, Critters, The puppet master series, The Trilogy of Terror, Xtro
Metal, Rock, Industrial, Classical, Dubstep, Techno
The Wolf King
Masterpieces of terror and the supernatural
Graphic Novels
Submissiveness, Dominating, Marathon Sex, P.O.V, SUPER WET PUSSY!!!, doggy-style sex
, , golden showers, condescending people, know it alls, rude people, blown out pussies, gay sex