Had a back n forth with 'Support'. They had a problem with my playlist title (Relative Relations) because it implied... (FUCK!!! can't even use the proper fuckin word here. Fuckin pathetic...) However, they have no problem with the 'Mommy's Girl' line or 'Horny Lesbian Sisters' or 'Seduced By Mommy' titles where there's no damn implication at all. When pointing the hypocrisy of that out they pointed me in the direction of the 'report video' button. SMFH...
and WTF is up with the flood of foot fetish all of a sudden?
Contacted them... They suggested that it's on my end. Of course they would. As I've posted before my lists disappear and (generally) reappear after a few minutes. This list has been gone for at least 24 hours. I say at least because I've been afk for over two weeks. So it could've been junked anywhere in that time.
Playlists are still disappearing at random. Have to refresh or exit the site altogether for 20 minutes or more before they reappear. This website has always had second rate craftsmanship, but since they nuked themselves last year it's been worse.
That came outta nowhere, and I don't like it... Sudden feeling of dread. Gotten them before, and nothing has come of them thankfully. Even still, I don't like it.