Fawns Story chapter 1
She sat there alone trying to remember all the details of that night!, the night that everything changed for her, the night that she truly submitted to her true feelings and was honest with herself. When the girls first said about a night out she wasnt even that bothered, the hassle of getting a babysitter at short notice and all that but in the end she relented and dressed herself up a little for the girls night out. She remembers meeting at her friends house and having a few pre drinks before they hit the bars in town and she remembered that by the time they left she was already a little ! After trying a couple of bars they settled on a new bar right in the centre of town, it was fairly busy and quite dark and the resident dj was starting to build the evening up with some club classics. As was customary her and her friends hit the dance floor for a while and soon attracted some attention. It was always the same, mainly young guys trying their luck , they definitely liked the idea of the conquest of a so called milf , most were so immature and a little bit embarrassing to be honest, still it was nice to get attention. After a little while they decided to take a break from dancing and I settled into a little corner of the bar and sat there drinking and chatting. It didnt take long before the subject to turned to sex! It always did. The girls talked freely about their sex lives and the little adventures that they had, they talked about the little daring things they had done. She smiled at their comments but made very little of her own, after all she was a single mum and there was nothing much happening in her sex life apart from her frequent flirtations with her various toys! She also smiled because they actually had no idea of the filthy ideas that were in her head which made their little confessions seem very innocent! Lately she had been visiting a few different chat sites and had found them very interesting and slightly addictive, these were rooms where people talked freely of their sexual needs without judgement from like minded people. She found the whole scene very arousing and normally after a good session she would end up masturbating herself furiously to orgasm at the thought of it! She asked the girls what they were drinking and headed to the bar, she decided to stop at the bathroom on the way. The bathroom was unusually quiet and she checked herself in the mirror, by her own admission she was quite pleased with her look tonight. Her make up and hair had gone just how she wanted and she was feeling pretty good about it. She had chosen the new outfit she got the weekend before, a cute little stringy type crop top with a pretty white bralette underneath that made her boobs look slightly bigger than they really were and a quite small black skirt that clung to her figure in just the right places, she was showing plenty of leg but not indecently so. She finished the look off with her favourite black strappy heels, she loved the way that they made her legs look so much longer. She quickly applied a fresh coat of ruby red lipstick and headed out towards the bar. She tried to get served but predictably everytime someone was free they headed to the nearest customer instead of her. She almost got the attention of a member of bar staff but he overlooked her and went straight to an older guy in a suit that was waving his cash frantically. The man in a suit glanced at her and spoke to the barman, after a brief moment the barman walked up to her and said that guy said to serve you first! She looked over to him and mouthed thank you and smiled at him and She tried to get served but predictably everytime someone was free they headed to the nearest customer instead of her. She almost got the attention of a member of bar staff but he overlooked her and went straight to an older guy in a suit that was waving his cash frantically. The man in a suit glanced at her and spoke to the barman, after a brief moment the barman walked up to her and said that guy said to serve you first! She looked over to him and mouthed thank you and smiled at him and She tried to get served but predictably everytime someone was free they headed to the nearest customer instead of her. She almost got the attention of a member of bar staff but he overlooked her and went straight to an older guy in a suit that was waving his cash frantically. The man in a suit glanced at her and spoke to the barman, after a brief moment the barman walked up to her and said that guy said to serve you first! She looked over to him and mouthed thank you and smiled at him and She tried to get served but predictably everytime someone was free they headed to the nearest customer instead of her. She almost got the attention of a member of bar staff but he overlooked her and went straight to an older guy in a suit that was waving his cash frantically. The man in a suit glanced at her and spoke to the barman, after a brief moment the barman walked up to her and said that guy said to serve you first! She looked over to him and mouthed thank you and smiled at him and he smiled back at her. While she was being served she took a better look at him. He was definitely older, it was difficult to put an age on him but she thought maybe around 40ish. He wasnt instantly handsome to her but he was certainly not displeasing on her eyes. He was smartly dressed in a royal blue tailored suit with white shirt and tie, almost as if he was on business. She couldnt really make out too much detail of his face in the dimly lit bar and she was actually wishing he was a little closer. She worried that she might be staring a little too hard and that he might notice so she tried to gather her drinks, she could manage three drinks but she had to leave the fourth one at the bar and return for it after. She reached the table and put down the drinks just as she did this she heard a voice behind her excuse me, I saw you struggling with your drinks so I bought this over for you said suit man its not safe leaving drinks unnatended in this place he said smiling. She smiled back trying to be cool but she knew she was glowing like an excited schoolgirl. Oh thank you so much she said, thats really nice of you . No problem at all he said and he turned and walked back over to the bar. She sat down with her friends and the questions started... who is that? Do you know him? Whats his name? How old is he? Etc, she told them the honest truth that he was just a helpful stranger and that they hadnt even spoken , although she was wishing that they had, was she just getting silly ideas in her head or was their a strange kind of exciting chemistry , she was confused but in truth she was actually quite excited by mr suit. The conversation changed to various subjects but she was away with the fairies she kept staring over at the bar, for one moment she couldnt see him and her heart dropped but then she saw him a little further down the bar and she smiled to herself with relief. He seemed to be all on his own but was he waiting for somebody? She suddenly imagined some big busted blonde walking in and throwing her arms around him in a way that lovers only do! But no! There was no one, he was on his own. She wished she was a little more forward like some girls and that she could just go over there and chat with him but alas that just wasnt her. All she could do was watch. By now she was definitely a little and her emotions were just about everywhere and she was sure that her friends were aware too, fortunately they werent aware of the damp patch that had appeared in her panties unexpectedly.... for fuck sake she thought to herself this is ridiculous! She had to go to the toilet again and she watched to see if he noticed her on the way, he did and she quickly looked to the ground and hurried to the bathroom. She sat in the cubicle with her wet panties around her ankles, she decided it was no good wearing them and so she tossed them into her handbag the effects of the drink making her a little more uninhibited. She checked her make up and hair and applied more lipstick and walked back into the bar..... fuck.. fuck... fuck! She said to herself, hes gone!! She looked around and there was no sign of him at all. She saw the guy that served her and she got his attention, hey, excuse me.. you know that guy that was standing here in a blue suit... do you know if he left? She said loudly. Oh you mean that old guy, yeah he went a few minutes ago, he left you this! , he replied. The barman went to the back of the bar and put a glass of wine in front of her and a folded up piece of paper, if you ask me, hes some kind of creep coming in here just hanging around on his own he added. Well I didnt ask you so mind your own fucking business!, she said angrily and picked up the wine and note and walked away. She quickly hurried to a secluded corner and hastily unfolded the note and read; hope you get this ok and excuse me for approaching you this way but I didnt want to embarrass you in front of your friends, Ive headed to Vinos Bar about 200 yards down the road, its a little quieter there and I would love the opportunity to get to know you a little better, no pressure though! Ill be at the bar, if not then have a great evening and your smile made my evening anyway, Yours hopefully, J x She read it twice excitedly smiling to herself as she sipped her wine that he bought her. Well it answered one question, he was interested!! But now what was she to do? She stood there and thought about it for a while, she had never done anything like this before in her life and it was very exciting but also a little scary... a total stranger.. on her own, some of her senses screamed Nooo, dont be so stupid but part of her thought if you dont, you will never know and he seemed like the perfect gentleman. She finished her wine and returned to her friends, while she had been gone they had been joined by two young guys who were desperately trying to flirt with them. She sat down and joined the group but her heart wasnt in it, she checked her phone for the time, it was over half hour since he left, he might not even still be there she thought. Then without even thinking about it she stood up and said Im really sorry ladies but Im not feeling too great Im afraid, so Im going to go and get a cab home and leave you beauties to it she walked around saying her goodbyes with her friends wishing her well and she left. She went to the bathroom one more time, checking her hair and her make up and fixing her lipstick. She suddenly thought.. fuck.. no panties and smiled to herself, oh well.. its not as if he would know! She walked out and into the city street. The evening was so mild that she had no need for a jacket and as she hit the air she realised that she was even drunker than she thought and she took a moment to pull herself together. After a short walk she arrived outside the bar, it looked fairly quiet and she felt a little strange being on her own. She took a deep breath and walked into the bar. There he was, standing at the bar just as he said and he was watching the door so he saw her immediately and smiled in her direction. He put down his drink and walked over towards her, well hello there he uttered so glad you could make it as he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss upon her cheek. She was sure she blushed a bit and she smiled back and said please tell me you dont do this all the time! He laughed and replied I cant say that I make a habit of it. Lets get a seat he said and he lead her to a small cubicle towards the rear of the bar and ushered her to sit. They sat opposite each other on the brown leather seats over a table. I didnt think for one moment that you would come you know but Im so glad you did she hesitated for a moment and replied well lets just say, this is quite out of character for me and Ive surprised myself! The barman approached Ive taken the liberty of getting us a bottle of wine, hope thats ok with you! She smiled at him and said thats perfect and thank you Well Im James by the way.. how rude of me not to say he said oh yes she giggled nervously and Im Fawn and its nice to meet you James she said as they clinked glasses. Lovely to meet you too Fawn he said. They settled into conversation easily with no awkward silences as they found out little things about each other, she was pleased that he took a keen interest in what she had to say and wasnt there to just talk about himself which had happened to her in many occasions. She told him about her son and her working life and any little bits of trivia she could think of and then she worried that she was talking too much as was her way. He listened avidly and shared some of his Personal information too, she found out he was 41 , single after a failed marriage with no , he worked as a sub editor for a newspaper and as it turned out lived only a short distance from her. She could now get a better look at him as this bar was better lit, he had fairly short brown hair which was greying around the sides a little, big blue eyes and a crooked smile which she found quite endearing. He looked physically pretty good for 41 she thought even though he confessed to having a bit of a porky belly which made her laugh and of course she disagreed. She then started on telling him all the things that she didnt like about her own body, she told him that her boobs werent big enough (and she noticed him check them out) and that she thought her legs could be better and rolled off a list. He listened and smiled as she continued her body assassination and then he simply said actually.. you look bloody gorgeous, if I may say so! Which definitely made her visibly blush. The wine flowed freely as well as the conversation and she tried her best not to hurry it, the last thing she wanted was to end up being sick in the toilet and then he certainly wont think Im gorgeous she thought. They covered so many topics, serious ones, silly ones and it felt like shed known him for years, Do you know? She said, I actually lied to my friends tonight so that I could be here with you! Well, I am very flattered that you did.. just for me he said with a glint in his eye, their hands reached out and fingers touched across the table and she stretched her legs out under the table until they were making contact with his. He noticed immediately and his free hand was suddenly making contact with her knee. She surprised herself and didnt flinch at all as it all seemed quite natural and harmless at the time. She even told him about her friends and how their conversation always turned to sex and who was getting what and who wasnt and how very naughty they think they dont believe half of what they say anyway she said candidly. So what do you tell them about you then? He asked. Well theres nothing to say James, Im a single mum and Im not going on tinder looking for a casual hook up, its just not my thing He smiled and admitted Well I tried the tinder thing to be honest and it was just disappointing, a person may look attractive but then have the personality of a damp cloth and Im always interested in the mind he smiled at her with his crooked smile. The conversation continued when she said so then James... tell me what you think about me, my personality, lets see how wrong you can get this? She was aware that she was shamelessly flirting but the alcohol had definitely loosened up her lip and she had a wicked look in her eye as she said it. He laughed and took a moment his eyes locked onto hers. So you want me to tell you what I really think and you wont be offended if I get it badly wrong? he of course not... Im intrigued by what you might think They looked at each other and she could feel his hand gently touching the skin of her knee, she was secretly getting quite aroused at the way the conversation was heading and their was sexual tension in the air. He thought a bit and started well like me Fawn you have been alone a while and that gives you time to think a lot and explore your mind, and you say you dont get involved in your friends sexual conversation but you say its because you dont have any... hmmm.. well I think it might be more the case that if you tell them your sordid thoughts they would be very shocked! , is that the case? He said enquiringly She shuffled in her seat as he spoke, his words doing things to get that she couldnt say and she was aware that her bare pussy was getting very wet. Well, lets just say I cant totally deny that! She said giggling. This is fun she said, so you tell me James, what naughty things do you think are in my head then, you can think of it while I use the room she said smiling. She rushed to the bathroom quickly and went in the cubicle, she lifted her skirt and started rubbing her clit furiously, she was so wet and her orgasm came quick and fast! She tried to work out what had just happened.. why the fuck was she so wet and horny? She straightened herself out and fixed her make up and slowly returned to the table where they were sitting.