Your run of the mill non-binary dirty old man. I identify as a non-binary male, in that I don't accept society's definitions of male and female roles, or even that male and female roles exist for that matter. You are who you are, and you love who you love. That being said it's not all that easy to overcome years of upbringing in a traditional male role, and I find it convenient (or lazy) to behave in a manner that is defined by what's between my legs. So I have no problem calling myself a dirty old man as it provides a handy shorthand for describing my general behavior in public, however limiting that label may be. I have a healthy sexual appetite, and while I'm primarily attracted to women, I've met more than few men I couldn't resist. I also don't have any hangups about power dynamics and am just as comfortable being topped by a powerful individual as I am making someone my bitch. Or making sweet, gentle love. I am currently in a monogamous relationship and not looking to make any changes.
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