Chill Proud B8TOR. Shot out to all my B8s. Much Love. I love doing the world tells me not to do. Fuck u... I do what I want to do. I fuck with whoever I choose to fuck with and vice versa. Sometimes that a few of us choosing to fuck with each other. And so fucking what. Dicks need to learn to just HARD DICK VIBE with a girl, or by themselves. Lighten the fuck up nigga... u still believe in what the white man told u was "gay". Sexual Orientation DOESN'T FUKIN EXIST YO! Wake da Fug UP Man! It's fine to stroke together, it's fine to stroke each other. If da energy flows thru ya hard ass dick.... then Hard Dick Vibe Bruh. U only vibin with UrSelF in RefleTion....# ReAlTaLk! 100
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