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hi everyone. we are new to this site and will have more pics and video's on soon.most of me, some of spouse.we are OPEN and have a different way of thinking when it comes to sex compared to most couples.i'm sure you'll be surprised in an exciting way.please email,add us as friend or comment any time,suggestions welcome.we also have a live site we use AFF..affiliated with 'porn hub' 2slick4uc is username..check me out! xxoo
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For me,my ideal person A hot,sexy,intelegent female, 25-45 with an athletic shapely body.must be a bisexual/lesbian willing to "take me on" and enjoy the sexual needs women want to share with each other. With your permission,my partner will share only a part of our enounters.For my partner the ideal person:A hot,sexy,intelegent male,25-45 with an athletic shapely body.must be a bisexual/gay willing to "take him on" and enjoy the sexual needs men fantasize about however,most don't admit it.we are open and share all What factors are most important to us when looking for a sexual partners?: Sexual experience, Physical attraction, Same/similar fetishes, Ability to be discreet, Open to many things,willingness to freely discuss and try anything, Agreeable to be honest and always have integrity and NEVER jealousy Have you ever had cybersex?: I've done it so many times that I've forgotten how to type with two hands.
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I believe that human beings express human nature and the sex is a physical need. However, for most of us, never have the opportunity to actually fulfill our fantasies, our desires, our needs. NOW IS TIME FOR ME! My partner agrees, I must live my need for a meeting with a smart, attractive woman. I don't exclude men, but you must be willing to share my curiosity bi partners and this is a must-see for my sexual desires. Contempt to the perversions of the people who suggest: MOM,DOG etc! There are special sites for that. Remember, this is about me not, and the hope of finding interesting people here. As we are owners of a house in Ontario Canada and Guanacaste, Costa Rica, my concern is, within a short distance, unless you're willing to travel to me in a minute notice. Please share your thoughts with me and if I find an interest and an opportunity to meet, I will respond!Also love to one on one or both of us with one,two,three....

owen sound, ontario
"Costa Rica"
retired due to accident from executive management
Combined Insurance, AVON CANADA
grey county and humber college
sun, sea, sand...walks on beach, sipping wine watching sunset,keeping in shape,watching husband watch others 'involved'makes me excited...great curiosity to try new things and live out fantasy...life is short
t.v not important to me being in costa rica there is so much more to do..but i will watch; CSI,LAW AND ORDER,CRIMINAL MINDS..open to all movies, love psychological thrillers, not horror and guts, comedy, sickly romances drive me crazy...no reality in a PERFECT marriage..
classic rock, new country, hip hop, rap, dance, james taylor, cat stevens, harry chapin.....all but heavy metal, punk and opera(unless i am there)
stephen king fan, collect novels...older writing great and his newer books are well written...as richard bachman he was good...but after his accident, his writing changed...wonder if his wife and/or ghost writers did most of his novels or he was messed up from pain and medication for pain. james patterson also good....i call these my 'no brainer' readings.requires no thinking so i read them to help me . but i like biography's, inspirational writings..napolean hill, og mandino etc and i love to read about history on medicine politics, culture, and anything on theories of evolution, christianity...man made religions
well....this would be a book in itself but top few watching ladies masturbate..if they are attractive,clean,sensual. watching husband watch women masturbate and watch him masturbate..of course i must join in living out fantasies...sex in a glass elevator at night thinking we were alone only to discover construction crew was working...the applause was a turn on thiking of a 3some..2 ladies and hubby...but, me and 2 men..although men penetration is a turn off, a little play would drive me to be hotter and wetter than ever
to each thier own, but on my other site, when i get asked 'do you have a dog', or 'mom is that you' or requests to pretend to be someones step mom or a ...this to me is a sign of mental illness from past of some sort and these people need professional help...not from me.there are sites and some people who will do these things....i will not EVER jealousy...worse disease than cancer.if a couple communicates thier wants and likes and are open..no need for jealousy.if one can't, won't have sex...watch the other,help your partner, use these sex sites to make relationship stronger...if not, partner is almost into finding elsewhere what i missing at home. i know because i was almost , spent in bed unable to have sex...there was no way i was going to force hubby to go elsewhere, so we joined aff...i made sure he was happy.women aren't as sexual as men are and men NEED sexual release,most women don't get it...yet get jealous when he goes elsewhere or goes on a sex site....well then go with him, watch,video tape it...be part of all his life and he will be in say too much but sooo many couples hate us...well me 'cause they don't get why i don't get mad when he goes to bars alone, dances, and in front of me hugs,kisses girls, tells them they are sexy etc....i told him if he finds a sexy girl id like too, bring her home or if he finds a guy i'd like...bring him home.same goes if i find person he'd like.....only rules NO DISEASES, i'll cut it off and you with it. IF HE/I FALL IN LOVE...MORE THAN A 'FUCK'...LEAVE. sex is just a physical need but if heart and soul cross the line..get out. NEVER LIES,SECRETS TELL ALL.secrets are lies,fantasies or thinking of someone/something else during making love is in essence 'cheating'...share all and relationship will be for always..soulmates, not just spouses
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