My bf Felix was spending the night with an older friend elsewhere so I went into town with papa and he took me to a friends (of his) restaurant. When the customers and staff had gone home, papa and his friend started drinking... properly, while I fed and played with his dog. After theyd had a few too many bottles (it didnt take too long) i found it hilarious watching them both getting undressed and trying to have fun together but as theyd had too much drink they kept losing track of what they were doing and even though Id taken pity on them and had actually got papa fully ready for action and had even helped him to get himself into his friends ass they still just ended up on the floor. I carried on playing with papas friends dog right next to them which was fun but when the dog had had enough and curled up asleep next to papas friend Id decided I was tired too and got dressed but I couldnt just leave them and so I had to call mum to come and help. She wasnt happy. She kinda knew the friend but didnt know if his wife knew he did stuff with other guys and so after wed finally got them dressed again she called his wife from Papas phone so she could take him home and safely lock up the restaurant. Mum left Papa in the car overnight and it was only over breakfast when his bf asked me if papa was still in my bedroom that mum told him where he was and what had happened. Papa was still asleep when we went down to the car 😂