In winter I go snowboarding a lot, in summer I enjoy hanging out in the park with friends.
I love listening to music, I couldn't live without it. And well there's also that other thing I couldn't live without ;P
Even though I think romantic movies are quite unrealistic and I almost never watch them while beeing alone (I just need someone to hold), I cry everytime when the nice guy gets the girl.
I like funny TV shows like New Girl, Desperate Housewives, Scrubs, Simpsons&Futurama, The Big Bang Theory and How I met your mother.
I like most types of music but my favourite genres are rock&pop. I listen to music allmost all the time.
Some of my favourite bands/artists (no special order):
Lana del Rey, the Subways, Florence+the machine, James Blunt, Rammstein, Gotye, Katy perry's boobies ;D
I like big boys and small girls.
3somes with 2 boys or girls only.
I'm into getting DP'ed and taking another girl with a strap-on but what i love the most is water ;) do it under the shower, in a bath tub, a pool or a lake is all just great!! i love it love it love it!!!