pornhub is trying to imitate YouTube, video downloads have to be paid for now, many videos have been removed, I lost everything I was looking for in the favorites the videos I like to see sumil everything only had 78 videos in my favorites, the question now is who what is behind all this, what is the incentive for them to do this ?, it irritated me I didn’t like it was not good, I could at least give a month or two for all unregistered users to recover all content and get the best fit all.
Thats an absolute joke. Come on you had the best videos on the entire site. what pornhub did to you was a fucking mistake. they should have verified you a log time ago. when i heard about that i was sure your vids would be safe.... i hate this site. lets bring down pornhub. lets start a crusade!
When u put the entire name on the search u press go to @nyakumi_senpai then it'll take u to it saw in the comments that someone had a problem so figure this will help
Ok habia escuchado que iban a hacer una limpieza de todo el contenido ilegal, pero saliste sorteado y te elimino a ti.eso es mala suerte, ahora falta twitter