Before I joined the Brotherhood of Steel, I was an orphan growing up in the Capital Wasteland. As a I was to make a dangerous living by scavenging the D.C. ruins. When I was older and had saved up some caps, I opened my own junk stand in Rivet City. It was around that time I befriended a man named Cutler, and together we scraped by as traders. When the Brotherhood of Steel began recruiting, Cutler and I agreed it was "the best way out of [their] nowhere lives". We joined the order and were successful soldiers, but roughly a year after being posted to the Prydwen, Cutler disappeared on assignment. I personally spearheaded a three-week search for the missing squad. Ultimately the trail led to a super mutant hive where it was revealed that Cutler's team had been , and Cutler himself had been exposed to the Evolutionary Virus. Saddened to discover that my friend had been turned into an abomination, put the super mutant Cutler down. By the year 2287, I had achieved the rank of pala
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