The great exodus
If you're reading this you probably know something is up with your Porhub page.
You logged in, found your profile pic gone, found your video's deleted, playlists and favorites emptied, and so on.
You probably thought you were . I know I did, but that's not what happened.
This was a deliberate move by PH to please shareholders after a mayor controversy involving .
Instead of taking action against them infecting the platform from the getgo they stood idly by until news spread out.
In order to contain the outrage they felt they had to delete every video that was uploaded by a non verified user to stop the spread of the infection.
Something which they could've done much sooner by using algorithms to find content that should not be online the way Youtube does.
Had they done that or taking any kind of measure withing a reasonable timeframe they wouldn't have had to delete 60% of the websites content.
To us this seems to be a story about tragedy, but in reality this story is about the gross incompotence of the people maintaining this website.
I doubt it will ever be the same again. Our little community was sent to the slaughterhouse.
And now I think it's time we move on from Pornhub.
Anyone now a good alternative?