解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Two Thumbs Up"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Sophomore"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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i gotta take a really bad pee and so i stuck my shaft between my legs and started rocking my legs back and forth, i got a massive boner and it feels so good. I think my head is wet from piss, not sure, but whatever it feels good. My shaft is so thick right now..
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Cock worship

Man, my shaft has been needing stroking so much today. In general my shaft gets big when I look at other shafts getting big, but lately my shaft has been liking Quinn Pie's vids, her pussy seems to make my shaft pretty damn excited. Even now as I type this I had to spread my legs and let my shaft breathe a little. I'm so desperate to find another shaft to enjoy pussy with, whether it's IRL, or just share perv thoughts about our two shafts getting off together thinkin about pussy. 
But getting back to pussy, it's amazing how my once gay shaft likes it both ways it seems. It kinda takes me back to when I first starting figuring out my shaft. It woud get hard seeing pussies squirting pee. Then it would really get hard looking at other hard ons. Anyway. that's starting to come back. My shaft is even getting hard looking at titties and wondering what it would feel like to have him rubbing in between titties. Then i wanna sit next to my horny buds here and help stroke their shafts off as they look and salivate on pussy.. such desperate shafts.. i'm going up n down on mine right now, just thining about rubbing it in between pussy lips.. fuck
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Junior"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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i want Hawaiin Kai and pussy at the same time, cute skater dude and hot chick wiith sexy pussy lips.. fuck my dick wants attention
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my cock is always craving attention, even right now i'm not watching porn or even looking or holding my dick and its all wet in my pants. its not even hard and its precumming like crazy. it wants attention so bad, it wants me to touch it and tell it dirty nasty things. It wants me to look at pussy and see how shafts go in. It makes me look at cute latino dudes and wanting to suck off their dicks too. fuck my dick is making me hail satan to suck on my cock while i think about jerking it off.. 
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Man my mind swirls with fantasies of having fun times with so many guys, masturbating all day and night, tugging our aching dicks all day and night too.. pissing wherever and on whoever wants it... hanging out with dudes humping themselves horny because they need to breed so bad, hanging with guys so desperate to get off but then get all guilty afterwards.. hanging with guys that get selfish and can't stop tugging their own dicks all day long.. Fuck, hailing satan and giving him our horny energy juice. My dick is boucing up and down right now, thinking about a guy i wanna kiss and make out with while we get our dicks sucked by a girl. fuck
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Horny as fuck

My penis is horny and needs to be tugged badly i got my pants around my ankles and my legs spread wide open, my dick is just bouncing up and down like a horny mf .. gonna start stroking it to this dude getting a hard on licking pussy
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got some vid windows open of my fav things to lust at while I masturbate.. i have to piss really bad too so I'm thinking a little piss for lube would work.. fuck i'm horny. at this point my dick wants it all. I wanna suck on dick, I wanna lick pussy and have it squirt in my face and on my dick.. i wanna put my dick inside a pussy and I wanna makeout with a long haired latino co-worker while we both fuck pussy together and piss on each other.. fuck.. he can fuck titties and piss and id be right there licking his shaft, her nips and getting splashed with piss.. fuck!! 😉 
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Horny thoughts

my penis been so thick today. Horny too, that thrusting energy tingly feeling that keeps working all day long. the twitch of my dick even though I was trying to concentrate on other things was strong. Luckily I'm at home so it's not at an awkward work situation. Though, I've never been actively horny at work, definitely before and after work and of course on my days off. Mondays are my devotion to my penis and masturbating it.. right now as I type this my penis is between my legs and im just opening and closing my legs letting my penis rub on other skin. it's super horny and leaking a lot of pre, so it's feels a bit lube up right there. what am i watching or doing, well typing here for one, watching star gate atlantis on my phone, and looking at pictures of pussy and latino dude penis. Also looking at my former co-worker pictures on facebook because he's absolutely hot. Never been with him, but I would love too.. 
fuck, my penis.. 
to be continued... 
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Horny bator, loves to jerk off to fetish/kink especially piss and masturbator porn, long hair boys, hentai, the more perv the better as they say. i've been kinda getting horny for girls and pussy. would love to meet a latino dude willing to jerk off and fantasize about pussy together strokin each others dicks

"United States"
masturbation, finding ways to make my dick feel good
piss, kink, bi boys
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