Intelligent, Musically Inclined , Dashing Good Looks, and Dashing Lighthearted with a position for acting and entertainment business are all ways Tyler Pavlik could be described! Before he was born he almost died! With the bone marrow transplant it was a miracle! Because of the car accident he was born early on June 7th 1997! He was supposed to be born July 15th 1997! Now him & his family celebrate September 23rd because that is when it was a merciless day! That is when his bone marrow Transplant is! Tyler loves Pop & Country music! In Tyler started taking Choir! When Tyler started high school in he took guitar! He loved to do filming & photography! He now has his websites of his own shows! The channels are Earth World Outside, Earth World Outside Movies , Earth World Outside Popular, Earth World Outside Toons & Teen Earth World Outside! The channels tell U on how life is out there! Tyler creates the scripts & shows! He started creating songs in ! He went over 10,000 songs onc
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