Loving on the DL
Luanne let out a sigh of relief as she was getting closer to her home. She could not wait to get inside, just kick back and relax after a long night at work.When her home came into view, a small smile painted her face. That smile turned to confusion when she saw her fiancée was home during the day. He usually worked through the day while she worked during most nights. Hopping out the car, Luanne grabbed her gym bag, and headed over to the door. With anticipation in her heart she approached the front door. That feeling when she heard strange noises. Easing her way up the front porch she could hear the distinct sounds of grunting and moaning, and hot breaths of ecstasy from inside.She could feel the stinging sensation of tears, she knew she could not avoid the inevitable emotional roll coaster ride that was about to begin. Luanne laid her hand gently on the door knob, debating whether should she turn and run away or confront her cheating fiancée. To see what bitch he was fucking. Maybe to pull her hair out or slap her across the face before leaving his sorry cheating ass for good. Before a decision could be made, rage overtook her as she burst through the door, to receive the surprise of her life."OHHH, Rico?" She said with shocked wide eyes, her finger nails cutting into the palm of her hand, as she made a death like fist. Luanne could not wrap head her around with what she was seeing let alone take it all in. Part of her wanted to say this is all a bad dream and she will wake up soon, the other part is telling her she just got done working the night shift, so bitch you definitely isnt dreaming."UMMm, baby please let me …" Her fiancée began t0 say, but he was cut off with a high pitch curdling scream.)*(Three weeks earlier.Rico sat there in silence as watched his friend, and co-worker dance to The Black Keys song Lies. A crooked smirk came to his face as he remembered their earlier conversation in the day."I am going to rock the hell out of Lies by The Black Keys.""No you wont. A song like that has no business in a strip club. Its not sexy enough.""Umm, Honey it is. That song oozes lots of sex.The beat, the lyrics, the smooth voices of the singers. You can't get sexy enough. I can prove to you that the song is sexy, or any other blues song.""Alright you have a deal. But if you lose this deal, you have to kiss me.""OOOHhhh Rico don't be silly. You know I am not a fag hag.How about dinner?" Rico had to cut his eye at the remark she made.Victoria what is it you mean with the last sentence?"And what so bad about being a fag hag?"Hmmm, where do I start?Oh, I don't like the idea of hanging on every word you say, following you around like a love sick puppy 24/7. Like those women do on TV! For the rest of those fag hags, god they seem like they don't have lives of their own. Theyre too worried about some gay ass nigga.I am not depressed enough already, lord only knows where your dicks been. On top of that, I think my own life is way more interesting than some gay dudes. So there.Hahahaha." She said it with that cute annoying laugh.Rico stood there baffled at her admission. He knew she was raised a certain way. He didnt know that she had such a low opinion on a group of people. Didnt realize that she was generalizing. He was upset at the fact she kept calling him gay, or a fag. He mentioned many times that he was bisexual. But in her mind set, since he already had sex with another man, he was forever gay to her."How many times have I told you I am not gay. I am bisexual""As many times that mess comes into existence. Baby lets get real. You are the one that said men are better at sex anyways, so I dont know why you are so pissed off? You are just only making a pit five miles out of fagville.Damn, why cant I just choke the living fuck out this woman, and kiss those lips to prove myself. He thought to himself.You can be a real bitch you know. You know damn good and well that I said men were better at giving blow jobs not sex. I like women sexually just as much Ilike men, so you thinking that I am gay, that little thought bubble can evaporate right now.Dont be silly Rico.Why deny what you are? You dont have to sugar coat anything with me.So you think I am in denial?Yes. Its not just a river in Egypt you, know.Hahahaha. Luanne eased her laughing when she saw the harsh expression on Ricos face.Ha ha ha ha, very funny. You are so fucking goofy and corny with your stupid lame ass jokes, and your conceited geeky personality. And just makes me love you more, when I really should hate you.Luanne could feel her heart rising inside her throat. Sweat began to form on her brow, hands shaking involuntarily. Men like Rico made her nervous as hell. This should not be the case, she was a stripper, but very now, and then shed find herself in an awkward position with a man, that can to much too handle, with such an off base caliber.She ran into a few costumers that were like this, but no one could compete with Rico. He was like the dark smooth skin Latino version of Christian Grey, only more terrifying, and way less annoying at times.I..umm… guess Ive got get ready. See you around Rico. She turn on her right foot, and bolted. He was getting too much for her.He stood there watching her cute little ass sashay away. He could feel his dick grow at the beautiful sight. Within he felt a tiny sense of victory spread through him, at her uneasiness. I will have you one day, my sweet little perra. Just you wait.He soon came back to the present when he saw her finishing her dance. The other men broke into loud cheers, catcalls, and threw dollar bills her way.Damn that bitch was so fuckin hot. His reverie was broken by the foul mouth customer sitting next to himHey watch your mouth, asshole. The man looked at him with a harsh stare. He stood up to his full height, and Rico took notice of how built he was, how nice he looked..And what the fuck are you going to do about it, if I dont, wetback? Aint you on the wrong side of the club anyways faggot?The man stepped closer to Rico as he said each word. He jabbed his finger into Ricos chest. His breath reeked of strong alcohol, beer, and tobacco. Rico felt a smirk spread across his face, he took a small step closing the gap between them.Baby, how would you know which side of the club I belong on, unless you had personal experience yourself lover boy? With a slight butterfly touch, he playfully touched the mans chest. This caused the man to blow up in rage. Just what Rico wanted, needed.Get you queer ass hands off me you fagg--. Within that one instant the redneck quickly balled up his fist hoping it would connect with Rico, but it proved to be futile. Rico blocked it with his left arm, and gave him a mean right hook square across the jaw. The redneck stumble sideways a little, but he was instantly ready to attack again. This only made Rico smile a whole lot more.OH faggot boy you did it now. With all his weight, redneck took a swing at Rico giving him a good right hook. Rico felt a sharp sting, but it didnt faze him in the least. Getting into many fights, and serving the rebel army back in his home country meant this fight would be play.Nice punch you little bitch. It gave me a real good tickle. The redneck tried to swing at him, again he failed miserably.Grabbing his wrist in a vice like grip, Rico bend the rednecks arm painfully to the side. With one good punch to the stomach Rico brought redneck to his knees, tears of pain in his eyes.UGH UGH UGH.PAAAAWWW, was the only noise the redneck could make, as he tried to regain the wind that was of him,and to keep the from coming up,but that proved to be futile.Damn, bra you making dude cough up . Gotdammnnnn. Rico turned around to see some Asian rapper dude shouting excitedly about the fight. Rico just stood there rolling his eyes, and looked back down at the man before him. RICO.What the hell? He looked up to see the owner of the club, Duncan, running up towards him.Oh fuck. He said rolling his eyes. Rico, what the hell happen? Shouted his boss. Rico looked down at the shorter man with confidence.This redneck bitch ass fucker, disrespected Lulu. Called me a faggot, a wetback, and tried to attack me first. I hope you dont think I should let this fucker disrespect me or Lulu. The fucker had it coming. Rolling his eyes, and shaking in his head in annoyance and embarrassment, the little gay man looked at Rico. Always this expression whenever Rico made or got into trouble.Rico,darling you know youre one of the best dancers here,right?Yeah.So what?So, what?!!!! Rico I cant have you beating guys to a bloody pulp whenever someone disrespects the girl of your dreams. I know you love Lulu, so dont deny it. I see the way you look at her, but if our best costumers get word that you are fighting over her, they would walk away.They already think you are a straight man thats in denial. Whatever the hell that means, plus we cant keep getting bad reviews on the place. If you like this girl, tell her so, thats all baby.You got me? Duncan asked brightly.Shaking his head,Yeah I got you, happy now?Not until you promise me this little incident will not happen, again?Hahaha.You know I cant do that Dunc, but I will promise to try to behave.Ummm, okay,thats a little better. But please Rico, do not tell your customers that you like women.Anyways, since you made this mess, make sure he gets home, or to the hospital safely. Then please just go home for the rest of the night,okay?Yeah.I guess. See you Sunday night, then. And with that Rico watched his boss walk away with his usual slow pace. As his boss disappeared, Ricos little Lulu came into view, then exited through the back door heading home,to her lover.Even after all the drama he had gotten into tonight because of her. He still could not help the feelings he had for her rise up inside of him. He was in love with this girl, and it hurt him deeply that she thought of him less than a man, just because of who he was.UGGgghhh. Letting out a deep somber sigh he turned back to the redneck from earlier still sitting on the ground near his feet.Come on dirtbag lets get you home. Its the least I can do after kicking your ass. He picked up the man with ease, helping him stand up on his own two feet.Who would have known a fag would kick my ass. Damn! Hell has officially frozen over. The redneck said as he lean against Rico.Shut up, before I do it again.Now come on, lets get you a cab home.No please just take me home with you. I live an hour and thirty minutes from here, please just take me back to your place. Its the least you can do for kicking my ass, asshole.Rico paused for a few seconds thinking over what the redneck had said.On one hand, he should just drop this asshole off at the hospital, or the police station, and then call it a day. On the other hand, he almost felt guilty, but not guilty enough to take him back to his place. Looking at his face, seeing that little twinkle in the mans eye, he knew all too well. It was the twinkle that every man he encountered had, and was with that, he finally made his decision.Come on, lover boy. You are going to on the couch, and if you puke you will be outside with my Rottweiler, Abigail.Whatever dude, just take me home please.)*(Please have a seat over there, and relax yourselfJesse walked into the shrinks office with hope in his heart. He sat down on the black leather couch the shrink was pointing at.So Mr.OSullivan what brings you here today?Closing his eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out easily. Trying to relax himself from the pressure that has been building ever since he hit .I am here because, I need help trying to figure out my sexuality, or resolve it if you can, and maybe even vent about it.Oh, well okay. I am a sex psychiatrist. So this is the best place to vent about your sexual life. Tell me whats wrong? The doctor leaned forward placing his elbows, on the desk for good measure.Well, you see, doc.Ive been very confused ever since kicked in. I Remember when Titanic came out, I was conflicted on whether or not Jack was hotter, or Rose. Then looking through my comics as a I would always linger on the harsh defined muscles of the superhero, and I also fantasized about the soft, smooth curves of the damsel in .Ive been conflicted, and confused ever since being a and I hate feeling this way. Then again the sexual acts, and the pleasures I get from both sexes trumps all the hate and guilt I have, although I find myself lingering there. Jesse rub the palm of his hand against his harsh fabric of his jeans. Despite his confession he still felt something was still riding him. He looked back up at his Shrink to see him writing in his notepad.So Mr.OSullivan what you are telling me is that you might be bisexual, and you want to hate yourself for it, but somehow you cant at first, then again you do hate yourself for it, for not feeling guilty or hating yourself? Am I correct?Yes, haha, almost kind of. I am sorry if I am confusing you doc, but hell I have to be honest I am confused myself, and I need help trying to sort this out.No no its what I am supposed to do. After all I am a sexuality psychologist, and you need help with this sort of thing. Speaking of which how about we do a little test?Ok. What kind of test is it?Nothing hard I just want to see where on the Kinsey scale you are,alright? Ok now, just set back,relax, and let your mind l wonder off. Clear out all the negative thoughts, and feelings and just let go.Jesse did what the doctor instructed, and felt himself floating to his own little LaLa land As he could feel himself letting go, a sweet soft sensual melody filled the room. He could feel the sweet melodies caress his body as he continued to drift off. The image of a tall nude muscular man came into view.As the man gotten closer he could see that he was sporting a huge hard on, that looked like it could do some major damage. That image put a smile on his face.He could feel himself growing with arousal, and his cock became harder. The doctor took note of this, and made his way over to the couch where Jesse was sitting, and eased himself down on the couch as well.Jesses need to please became apparent when his fantasy man reach out with one muscular arm grabbing him around the back of his neck pulling him towards him in a heated kiss, that would put any hot gay porn video to shame.This continued on for a blissful agonizing few moments until they came back up for air.Damn you are so damn hot. Jesse said trying catch his breath from that cum dripping kiss.Thank you, I know. Now since you got me all hot and bothered. Its about time you did something about it.On your knees my little bottom. Jesse easily slid down his knees, and began licking the shaft of his lover man.Stop playing around, and get to work you little pussy. Taking his huge right hand the man grabs Jesse around the back of his neck him onto his cock.Jesse was in awe of complete arousal, he had always wanted to be dominated by a bigger stronger man. Force to do things that no regular self respecting straight man would do.There he was on his knees enjoying pure sexual bliss that came with being with a big strong man, but deep down inside he felt like there was something missing, something very important.He got the answer to his question when a sweet,soft,small delicate hand came up to touch his chest. He looked own to see the love of his life down on her knees with him, guiding him to please their man.Would you like for me to suck your cock, while you are gagging on his? she leaned in his ear to ask. But before he could give an answer, the tapping of his shrink woke him out of daze.Hey there buddy come back to reality. You were almost loosing yourself there for a moment.You werent loosing me, actually the moment I step into this office I felt a sense of calming relaxation, and I kind of already had the fantasy in my head ever since I had the dream about eight months ago.I got put jasmine Chamomile, and Frankincense all throughout the office to relax the patience without their knowledge. Its better that way to get an more open honest answer from them without them feeling a sense of dread.Tell me what you were thinking about? I have a slight idea, but I want to hear it from you?Well,like I said I been dreaming, and fantasying about this situation for a few months now. Im standing , alone, then suddenly this gorgeous man comes out of the middle of nowhere. Walking like he owned the world, like the demi-god he was. He steps up to me give me a kiss that sets my soul on fire. He eventually down on my knees, and demanded that I gave him a blow job. Which I always do, he then starts to dominate my mouth with his cock. As Jesse recanted his fantasy he could still feel his dick was still hard.Then my little Lulu showed up.She had this sexy bright smile on her face like she actually enjoyed what was being done to me, although I know in reality thats not the case?Why not?Part of me thinks she hates gay men.Why you say that?Because she is constantly talking about them, always has a negative thing to say about them. Calling them evil, sneaky, selfish little perverted bastards. And she really has a strong dislike for the hags.Is that why you are here is because you think you might actually be gay instead of bisexual, and you are afraid your fiancée will find out, and think negatively of you? To be honest about it, I use to think of myself as a straight man that likes to get fucked by a man from time to time. But after years of exploring my own sexuality with many rendezvous with men. I have now come to the realization that if I want a damn good fucking, it takes a big strong man to do it.So I guess I can describe myself as a man that enjoys a good ass pounding from time to time, and my fiancée, or any woman cannot provide that for me. Just like a man cannot provide me the sweet, tender, sensual sounds that a woman makes when Im fucking her. He cannot give me that sweet, delicious nectar that a woman has whenever they orgasm all over me. I tried doing that with a man, and I got disgusted to the point where I want to .Hmm interesting, so being a top with a man turns you off? Why?Hell I just gave you my reasons, they are not women. When I am with a woman I love being the dominate one. I enjoy picking them up having their legs wrap around me, or me throwing her over my shoulder like a caveman. I really like doing that with my fiancée, and just throwing her around the bed. And the best thing about a woman is just her entire being. I love women, and I men too, but comparing them is like comparing a cute little bunny rabbit, to a stallion. I like both, and both are very different, but yet very enjoyable. Plus the feel of wet tight hot pussy around my dick is amazing. I would really like the feeling if I had a cock up my ass. Now that would be awesome.Really it just came off as that you liked men more, and you mention men were better at sex? Oh no, dont make no mistake about it, men are definitely better at fucking than women. Actually the best sex I ever had was with men, and I can get off more with men. But please do not make no mistake about it I am not gay; I still love me some women, and enjoy them sexually greatly. I just enjoy them both differently. You see, when it comes to women they dont have to do anything to me sexually for me to get off. I like being one the doing all the work. I know that sounds crazy, but thats just me. I dont require a woman to give me blow jobs, or any other oral I require from men. All they have to do is just lay there, let me do all the work. My pleasure I get from women is THEIR pleasure. Catch my drift? He looked back at the doctor, who looked back very amused.OH I got it, loud and clear.I am just surprised that someone like you is a bisexual, and a bottom to boot.Can I ask you another question?Yeah sure.You have a fiancée, and yet you around often with men, why not around with women, and do you even you love your bride to be?Why would I cheat on my Lulu with another woman, she has all the pussy I ever need? I dont need another woman to cheat with. Ive got the perfect woman right now, despite some of her flaws I mention. And of course I love her. Just because I may around with men, that I know personally does not mean that I will have feelings for them. Once that sentence left Jesses mouth, his mind instantly went to Rico, his male lover. He was the only man that made his heart beat like Luanne did.Hmm, I guess that rules out men all together dont it? The doctor looked over to the clock, and took note that an hour, has already pass them by. Well, if thats I have for me today, you can leave your hour is up.Yeah I guess so.Thank You foor having me.Until next time.The same to you.)*(The moment Jesse left the Dr.Gins office, he no longer regretted his decision in seeing a psychologist, and actually he would not mind doing it again, and hopefully maybe next time he can bring Luanne with him.Once he walked inside his home the scent of freshly baked cookies his nostrils.He walked in through the kitchen to see both oatmeal, and chocolate chip cookies setting on the counter top. He walked around to the living room to see his lovely fiancée setting on the couch reading a comic book.Hey there cutie pie, did you have a nice day at your job?She looked up at him with a slight smile. Yeah it was cool. Debra did not get on my nerves like she usually does, so everything was just fine, what about you?About the same. What comic are you reading?Shaded Black. Its a story about a black female superhero. I have to say shes pretty fucking awesome.Sounds cool. So is this what we are having for dinner tonight? Just cookies?Ha, no silly. Theres Spinach chicken alfredo in the microwave, along with fresh Caesar Salad, and French bread. Just help yourself.Hmm, maybe later. But right now, I want to help myself to you, cutesy. Jesse said bending down to nibble at her neck.Luanne let out a small giggle as he leaned down further. She tried to avoid his sweet kisses.Hehe, babe are you sure you want to do this at this hour?What hour are you talking about? This is fucking hour come on, sweet thing. Jesse said picking up his lover in his arms. He walked into their bedroom with pure lust on his mind. With graceful strength he threw his Lulu onto the bed, and the moment he was right there on top of her, ripping off her shorts and panties.Damn, why so rough?Because, I cannot wait to pleasure you my darling. I have been thinking about your sweet juices all day. Getting on his knees at the foot of the bed, he drags his lady to the edge.Luanne was not ready for the onslaught she was about to experience tonight. She was prepared to finish up her comic, maybe read some Harry Potter fanfic, and go to bed. But now all she could so is lay there take whatever her fiancée will deliver to her.She let out a small quiet moan when she felt the first lick of her lips, and clit.He took two of his fingers spreading her lips slightly as he continue to lick.She could feel her body getting heated.Jesse looked up, and a small smile played on lips. He knew all the right buttons to press when it came to his woman. With the tip of his tongue, he slowly played with her clit. Up, and down, and side to side. With one hand spreading her lips apart, he took the other hand to lay on her stomach, to feel the sensations he afflicted upon her.She was getting excited, and more heated as he continued his teasing. Her breath got caught up in her throat each time he moved his tongue.Yelp she cried, when he staring to nibble at her clit. She could fell her clit puckering into hard little pebble as her arousal grew.OHHH Nooo. She said as she felt a two fingers slide into her with ease. He curled his two fingers inside of her rubbing against her g-spot Nooo,please Jes oh god just please not to much.OHHH AWWW. She screams out her orgasm.She rested herself back down as her lover continue to nibble at her pussy.After a few moments she finally calmed down, and felt the bed shift as her fiancée was climbing up to rest by her side.Th…thh..th..at was.. nice of you. She saud while trying to catch her breath.It was nice of you to let me do it, cutie pie.Thank You. He said.Now, its time my second most important meal of the day. What the first one?You, silly.)*(The next morning he woke up with a pounding headache that could only come from a hangover. Oh man, my head. He said as he was sitting up,on the couch. Damn! Last night must have been a killer night.I would sure in the hell would say so. He looked up to see the man from last night standing in the kitchen doorway holding a white mug, with steam coming from it.Do you remember anything from last night?With a groggy voice the redneck spoke up Kind of. I remember that sexy black chick. And I remember trying to kick your ass, and then you kicking mine. ha, thats a first. But other than that ummm, NOPE.HHmm, well let me finish for you. He watched Rico walked over to him giving him that white mug he was holding. Here. Drink up. After I gave you a good ass kicking, because you called me a wetbeck faggot. Im Purteo Rican and Cuban by the way. You puke up all over the floor, almost got me fired and my boss demanded that I take you home or to the hospital. Instead you beg me to bring you here.So here you are.Ohhhoo yeah, I remember that now that you mention it. Maybe I should say sorry, I guess?If you have to guess that you should apologize for calling me a faggot, then you can save it, and shove it. I will just think you refuse to say it because you are a self hater. The man hung his head low in shame. He had always hated himself, and felt ashamed of the random thoughts that popped into his head. He tried everything in his power to make them go away but they would still show up.Rico could sense his conflict, You do hate yourself dont you? You hate being gay? Dont cha redneck?Sometimes I do, and I doubt that I am truly gay. Women still get my gears going just fine. I just hate the fact when I am thinking about a hot babe while I am jacking off, some dude pops into my head. By the way, my names Vincent Rebel. So, you dont have to keep calling me redneck.Haha ok redeneck. Anyways it sounds like you are bi-curious or at least bisexual, if you still find women attractive. Have you ever tried anything with another man before? Vincent sat there with shame clouding him. Look man I am sorry for last night, and thank you very much for bringing me here, and helping. He said getting up. But the moment he stood, his legs almost gave out. Rico sat there an watched.Taking a few deep breaths, and focusing all his energy on his balance Vincent was finally able to stand on his two feet. Now the problem he had at moment was the fact he no shirt or pants. .He looked over at Rico with a frown on his face, and Rico just smiled back at him.Your clothes are in the dryer, you can leave once they get dry, but for the time being set your ass back down, and talk to me. At his order Vincent ease himself back onto the couch. have you ever with another man before?Is this some type of tactic from last night?No this me trying to help you out, asshole. Now tell me the truth. Have you ever with another man?Vincent sat their for a minute perplexed on what to do, it was hard for him to trust. Would you promise me that you will never tell anyone else? I have a reputation back at home that I would like to keep up.I promise, have you ever with another man?He let out a deep sigh, and sat forward. Yes I have. But that was only circumsantional. I never meant to go into the big house, to have a sexual relationship with another man, but I had no other choice. I was a young stupid, punk that got in with the wrong crowd of people. I went into the pen for a hate crime so I can look for my friends. Rico could clearly tell recalling his story was hard for Vincent. Rico thought it better to keep the disdain he held out of his voice. Reaching out he lightly touch Vincents shoulder.To make a long story short, the system tried me as an adult at the age of eighteen. I went there afraid, cold, and hungry. I was so damn sure that I would be lunch meat for those sick monsters, until my mentor came along, and save me. All he wanted was a little bj, a few nights out of the week.He protected me from the blacks, and those wetba--… Vincent had to catch himself. I mean Mexicans from jumping me. I was a dead man walking through those halls. He dropped his head down in relief.He has been carrying this boulder or burden for the better part of now. He hated to admit it that after while he actually enjoyed the company of his mentor, and he was glad that he was there to keep him warm at night during the winter.Did he ever try to penetrate you at all?Only once, but it lead nowhere. I just serviced him, and wed cuddle but thats it. We never took things to another level. He was good to me, taught me things that I needed to learn.Do you guys still keep in touch?Sometimes. The last we talked, he was partnered with some dude that owns his own catering business.Did you fall in love with him?Heck No. I loved him as he was, but I never fell in love with him.After your tryst with him, do you think can ever with another man again? Ricos question fell upon silence. Eventually the silence was too much, to listen too.I dont know, maybe. If I do will I have to move to another town, city, or state? I cant face what my peers will say.Hhmm, thanks for answering honestly. Here drink up, before it gets cold, Ill go check on your pants and shirt. Rico said standing to his full height, and began making his way to the laundry room.Vincent just sat there, and viewed him with a combination of lust, admiration, and gratitude for all his help.It was rare for him to meet new people that were generally kind to him, especially after he have been a complete jackass.Before Rico left for his pants Vincent had to speak up. Hey, man I am sorry for what I did. I know I can be a jackass sometimes.Still with his back to him shook his head in acknowledgement.You are forgiven.