Forrest Gump, The Life Of Brian, A Room With A View, Always, Atonement, The Cider House Rules, Field Of Dreams, Howards End, JFK, Mississippi Burning, Schindlers List, Shine, Snatch, Sophies Choice, The Deerhunter, The Dish, The English Patient, The Graduate, Shawshank Redemption, Sixth Sense, The Big Lebowski, Withnail & I, The Doors, The Dr Who movie with Cushing & Roy Castle, Amicus & Hammer Horror Films, Hitchcock, The Perfect Storm, Titanic, Groundhog Day, Kingpin, Fargo, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Rogue Trader, Dunkirk, Seabiscuit, Reservoir Dogs, The Bodyguard, The Jerk, he Man With Two Brains, The Perfect Storm, Titanic, Pearl Harbour, A Simple Plan, Babel, Battle Of Britain, Blackhawk Down, Bound, Close Encounters, Dr Zhivago, Eyes Wide Shut, Falling Down, Four Weddings, Full Metal Jacket, Ghost, Great Expectations, Its A Wonderful Life, Jaws, Malcolm X, Munich, Muriels Wedding, Nixon, No Way Out, Of Mice & Men, Out Of Africa, Presumed Innocent, Pulp Fiction, Regarding Henry, Salvador, Saving Private